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Monday 25 September 2017

Intelligent and Smart Automatic street lighting

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Smart lighting is a lighting technology designed for energy efficiency. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or daylight availability. Lighting is the deliberate application of light to achieve some aesthetic or practical effect. It includes task lighting, accent lighting, and general lighting.

19% of energy use in the world is used for lighting, and 6% of greenhouse emissions in the world derive from this energy used for lighting. In the United States, 65 percent of energy consumption is used by commercial and industrial sectors, and 22 percent of this is used for lighting.

Minimizing energy usage:

Smart lighting is the good way which enables to minimize and save light by allowing the householder to control remotely cooling and heating, lighting, and the control of appliances. This ability saves energy and provides a level of comfort and convenience. From outside the traditional lighting industry, the future success of lighting will require involvement of a number of stakeholders and stakeholder communities. The concept of smart lighting also involves utilizing natural light from the sun to reduce the use of man-made lighting, and the simple concept of people turning off lighting when they leave a room.

Here is the reference video: